Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus, Social Services | Posted By: aphillip
Saturday, 25 April 2020 - 11:03am
El Primer Ministro y Ministro de Finanzas, Honorable Andrew A. Fahie, dijo que el Gabinete ha extendido el plazo de inscripción hasta el 25 de abril a las 7:00 p.m. para personas que necesitan comida.
Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Friday, 24 April 2020 - 11:54pm
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Carvin Malone stated during a COVID-19 update that several measures have been put in place by the BVI Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) to fight the Coronavirus.
Topic: Health and Safety, Health Services, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 20 April 2020 - 1:55pm
Premier and Minister of Finance, Honourable Andrew A. Fahie has detailed the special arrangements for the new seven (7) day curfew period, April 19 to 26.
Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: aphillip
Friday, 3 April 2020 - 8:19pm
Buen día a todos, Ha sido otra semana con muchos retos para nosotros en este Territorio. Este es un momento verdaderamente sin precedentes que ha requerido una acción sin precedentes por parte del Gobierno de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas (BVI) y me gustaría agradecerles nuevamente por su esfuerzo para cumplir con el nuevo toque de queda. Tengo toda la confianza de que nosotros, la comunidad de las BVI, y lograremos esto juntos.
Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus, Public Health | Posted By: aphillip
Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 12:13am
The Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) is notifying the public that COVID-19 results are immediately sent to the Chief Medical Officers at the Ministries of Health, who are responsible for the dissemination.
Topic: Health and Safety, Health Services, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 3:28pm
The Ministry of Health and Social Development has confirmed that there is another positive imported case of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 in the British Virgin Islands.