Information Officer II
Dept. of Information & Public Relations
Telephone: 468- 2740
Press Release
The Government of the Virgin Islands is inviting sealed bids for derelict vehicles.
The vehicles will be sold ‘as is’ and interested persons are invited to submit sealed bids addressed and delivered to the Procurement Coordinator, The Ministry of Finance, Central Administration Complex, East Atrium, Third Floor, British Virgin Islands no later than Friday, June 29 at 10:00 a.m.
The bid should include the registration number, make/model, vin number and year of the vehicle, and in bold capital letters “Quotation for Derelict Vehicle”.
Inspection of the vehicles can be done on any working day between 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the various locations.
Bids must be signed and full name, address and valid telephone numbers must be provided. The person/s who offers the highest bid will be awarded the vehicle. Late bids are not permitted.
If successful, an award letter will be given and payments should be made to the Accountant General seven working days after an award letter has been received. The letter must be presented when payment is being made. If the highest bidder fails to honour the agreement, the bid will be cancelled and forfeited, and the opportunity given to the next highest bidder to complete the proposal.
The release of the sold vehicle will be arranged only after the successful bidder submits documented evidence in support of sale (i.e. award letter and receipt from Accountant General.)
The sold vehicle must be removed by the successful bidder(s) within 24 hours of the sale at their own expense. No assistance/transportation will be provided by the Government of the Virgin Islands. Unsuccessful bidders shall be notified.
Photo 1:1- Advertisement with list of vehicles available