Press Release

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Library Services
Public Libraries
Release Date:
Wednesday, 13 October 2021 - 4:02pm

The East End/ Long Look Community Library is in its final stage of automating its operations and has received a new card machine.

Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley said the newly designed library card is a welcome change and that he was grateful to the donors.

Honourable Wheatley said, “The new library card is powerful. It is a key that opens doors to knowledge, builds literacy and empowers whole communities.  Knowledge is the key for success in life, and this is a very timely presentation as we celebrated International Literacy Day on September 8 and are now celebrating ‘Reading is Fun Week’.”

The minister said the card features a barcode in which the patron’s personal data is embedded and an image of the Virgin Islands which helps to further promote the Territory’s history and heritage.

“As the Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture I encourage everyone to get a library card and utilise the services provided by the Public Library. Remember, today a reader, tomorrow a leader,” Honourable Wheatley said.

Chief Librarian, Ms. Suzanne Greenaway said the newly redesigned library cards to be issued to customers are pvc cards, similar to a driver’s licence.

“They feature local historical images and a barcode specific to the islands where the library is located,” she said, adding, “The new library cards were made possible through a donation of a card printer and accompanying software from Guana Fund which supported the library’s automation project.”

Guana Fund is a corporate support programme from Guana Island Hotel and Pirate’s Bight Restaurant, implemented by the proprietors Dr. and Mrs. Henry Jarecki and family, to support the VI community. The family said it was pleased to offer a COMMUNITY-LEARNING grant in the amount of $4,029 which supported the purchase of a ID Card Printer in accordance with their mission to support education, youth, community empowerment, a culture of learning, capacity building for non-profit organisations and volunteering.

Two students from the Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) were the first to receive the newly designed cards at the East End/ Long Look Community Library on August 26.

In recognition of Reading is Fun Week, persons are invited to visit the library and receive a new card by joining or updating their membership.  The Public Library Service of the Virgin Islands presently has a library membership drive from September 1 to December 31.  The new cards are available at the East End/Long Look Community Library.


Photo 1: Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley receives tour of the East End/Long Look Library

Photo 2 and 3: Student from YEP receives new library card

Photo 4: L-R Chair of Guana Fund, Ms. Noni Georges; Chief Librarian, Ms. Suzanne Greenaway; and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley with new card machine


Nekita Turnbull

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Information & Public Relations 
Telephone: 468-2730