My Fellow citizens and residents of the Virgin Islands,
I come before you today at the mid-way point of this Government’s term.
I want to take this moment to update you on the progress we have achieved toward fulfilling the promises and commitments we made when you entrusted us to lead.
Topic: Culture, Festival and Fairs | Posted By: aphillip
Tuesday, 4 July 2017 - 5:36pm
Welcome to the official launch of Festival 2017. The Virgin Islands will commemorate 63 years of Emancipation Celebrations under the theme “A Colourful Kaleidoscope to be seen, Creating a Cultural Scene for Festival 2017”.
I am pleased and honoured to join you, my fellow BVIslanders and residents in this annual celebration of Territory Day under the theme: Territorial Awakening: Resilience in a Time of Challenge and Change.”
Topic: Passports, Nationality, and Visas | Posted By: npickering
Thursday, 29 June 2017 - 3:53pm
It is a great pleasure for me, as your Governor, to hand over Certificates of Naturalisation to a total of 70 people who have made their homes here in the Virgin Islands.