The Government of the Virgin Islands will be providing assistance to persons who have lost from their jobs due to the COVID-19 pandemic and are desirous of returning to their home countries.
Topic: Labour, Novel Coronavirus, Work Permits | Posted By: lstevens
Monday, 13 July 2020 - 4:19pm
The Department of Labour and Workforce Development is advising all businesses that all work permit renewals for submission to the department are to be accompanied by certificates of good standings from the Social Security Board, Inland Revenue Department and National Health Insurance, as well as the certificates of earnings from the Social Security Board and Inland Revenue Department for the applicable employee seeking a renewal of his or her work permit.
Las Islas Vírgenes son conocidas como un crisol de diversas nacionalidades, lo que hace que nuestro Territorio sea verdaderamente diverso. Un gran porcentaje de las personas que residen en las Islas Vírgenes Británicas son nativos de otros países, y muchos han residido en nuestras hermosas islas durante varios años y lo han convertido en su hogar.
The Department of Labour and Workforce Development is advising all businesses that have been given clearance by the Government of the Virgin Islands to operate, of the following:
Mister Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to stand before you today and give a statement on Labour and Immigration matters. As you and the Members of this Honourable House will remember I made a statement on Sunday, 3rd May to the people of these beautiful Virgin Islands updating them on Labour and Immigration matters. Mister Speaker, today I wish to give supplemental information that will answer some burning questions coming out of that statement.
Topic: Immigration, Labour, The Public Service | Posted By: aphillip
Sunday, 10 May 2020 - 8:00am
"Mothers are like glue. Even when you can't see them, they're still holding the family together." Today, Sunday, May 10 is the day the whole world pauses to celebrate and show appreciation to all mothers.
Se notifica al público que a partir de hoy, viernes 8, mayo, el Ministerio de Recursos Naturales, Trabajo e Inmigración ya no aceptará solicitudes de exención de permisos de trabajo hasta nuevo aviso.
The public is notified that effective today, Friday 8, May, the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration will no longer be accepting work permit exemption applications until further notice.