Declaración de Gobernador Jaspert Sobre la llegada de kits adicionales de prueba de COVID-19 al territorio

Friday, 3 April 2020 - 8:19pm

Buen día a todos,  Ha sido otra semana con muchos retos para nosotros en este Territorio. Este es un momento verdaderamente sin precedentes que ha requerido una acción sin precedentes por parte del Gobierno de las Islas Vírgenes Británicas (BVI) y me gustaría agradecerles nuevamente por su esfuerzo para cumplir con el nuevo toque de queda. Tengo toda la confianza de que nosotros, la comunidad de las BVI, y lograremos esto juntos.

Waste Management Tips During Covid-19

Friday, 3 April 2020 - 5:54pm

Residents are asked to comply with the following tips to help manage waste during the COVID-19 curfew.

Waste Collection Classification Details

Friday, 3 April 2020 - 5:36pm

House-to-house waste collection will begin on Monday, April 6 during the 24-hour curfew implemented for the next 14 days.

Statement by Governor Jaspert On the Arrival of Additional COVID-19 Test Kits in the Territory

Friday, 3 April 2020 - 3:07pm

Good day all,  It has been another challenging week for us in this Territory. This is a truly unprecedented time that has required unprecedented action from the Government of the British Virgin Islands and I’d like to say thank you again for your effort to comply with the new curfew. I have every confidence that we, the BVI community, will get through this together.

Declaración Del Gobernador El Sr. Agustus Jaspert Sobre El Toque De Queda Administrado

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 7:58pm

Buenas tardes a todos.  Quiero agradecer a la gente por los esfuerzos para cumplir con el toque de queda administrado que tenemos hoy, viernes y sábado. Esto es para ayudarnos a vencer el coronavirus y eliminarlo en el próximo período.

Statement By His Excellency The Governor On Managed Curfew

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 5:39pm

I want to thank people for the efforts to comply with the managed curfew we have in place today, Friday and Saturday.  This is to help us beat the coronavirus and stamp it out over the next period.

Survey To Help Education Continuity Plan

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 4:41pm

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture is conducting a survey to gather information about remote learning access in the Territory.

Update To Gazette Customers – Operations During 24-Hour Curfew

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 4:06pm

Given the recent developments of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) and the 24-Hour Curfew announced by the Government of the Virgin Islands, the Gazette Unit, Cabinet Office is notifying the public and its clients of the following:

Cheques Available At Treasury Department

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 12:27pm

The public is being informed that cheques can be collected at the Treasury Department's main office, east wing of the Ralph T. O'Neal Central Administration Complex

Statement by Deputy Governor, Mr. David D. Archer, Jr. to Public Officers On the Extension of the Curfew in Light of COVID-19

Thursday, 2 April 2020 - 9:57am

Good Day Public Officers,  I take this time to wish you God’s blessings in hopes you and your family are all doing well during this period.  As you are aware, a 14-day extension of the curfew begins today, Thursday, 2nd April and ends on Thursday, 16th April. Undoubtedly, this is being done in the best interest of the health and safety of all public officers and wider Virgin Islands community.
