BVI Residents Urged To Call Covid-19 Medical Hotline

Tuesday, 21 July 2020 - 10:49am

Residents of the BVI who think they may have been exposed to the COVID-19 virus or are feeling unwell are asked to call the Medical Hotline at 852-7650 to speak to a professional for further assistance. 

Bar Owners Virtual Meeting On Safety Guidelines

Wednesday, 15 July 2020 - 1:38pm

The Environmental Health Division is inviting owners of bars and nighttime establishments to a virtual meeting today, July 15 at 2:45 p.m. to review the health and safety guidelines in accordance with the Health Emergency Operations Centre. Interested persons are asked to join the meeting via the WebEx Link provided.

Fw: Webex meeting invitation: COVID-19 AND OPERATION OF BARS

Wed 7/15/2020 3:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Statement By Permier And Minister Of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie COVID-19 Update

Wednesday, 8 July 2020 - 6:42pm

Good day and God’s Blessings to the people of the Virgin Islands. I do trust that all of you are remaining safe as we navigate the ‘New Regular’ as we live and work with COVID-19. I continue to encourage all of us to social distance. We must respect each other by standing six feet apart.

BVIHSA Ramping Up Covid-19 Testing

Friday, 3 July 2020 - 5:15pm

The British Virgin Islands Health Services Authority (BVIHSA) will now be offering COVID-19 testing to more persons in the community. 

Returning BVI Nationals Test Negative For COVID-19: No New Cases

Sunday, 28 June 2020 - 9:51pm

Two British Virgin Islands nationals who returned to the Territory on June 27 tested negative for the virus that causes COVID-19.

Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone: Two BVI Nationals Test Negative For COVID-19

Sunday, 28 June 2020 - 9:24pm

I am here this evening to bring another progress report on the Territory’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

BVI Ministry Of Health Gifted 4500 Face Masks By Drakes Traders

Friday, 26 June 2020 - 6:00pm

The Ministry Health and Social Development received 4,500 KN95 face masks courtesy of Drakes Traders Limited.

BVI Public Warned Against Toxic Hand Sanitiser Brands

Friday, 26 June 2020 - 5:12pm

The Ministry of Health and Social Development is advising the public not to purchase and use hand sanitisers manufactured by Eskbiochem SA de CV in Mexico.

Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone - Covid-19 Update

Friday, 26 June 2020 - 2:47pm

Mister Speaker, in fulfillment of our commitment to keeping the public informed, I am pleased to bring another progress report on the Territory’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

BVI Residents Urged To Reduce Exposure To Sahara Dust

Tuesday, 23 June 2020 - 8:08pm

British Virgin Islands’ residents are advised to reduce exposure to the Sahara Desert dust plume by wearing face masks in public spaces.
